Profile Food and Agricultural Governance

 Publications within this profile

Common Agricultural Policy / EU food governance

  • ·         Breeman, G. (2012) Maatschappelijk vertrouwen in het Gemeenschappelijk Landbouw Beleid (fase 2: quickscan). Wageningen : Wageningen University, Bestuurskunde. (Trans.: Citizen’s trust in the CAP: a first quickscan of the perception of the CAP in the Netherlands, Commissioned research by the Ministry of Agriculture).
  • ·         Termeer, C., G. Breeman, P. Zwaan (2011) Vertrouwen in de hervorming van het gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid. Wageningen : Wageningen Universiteit, Leerstoelgroep Bestuurskunde. (trans.: Trusting the reform of the CAP. Research commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture)
  • ·         Breeman, G. E., & Termeer, C. J. A. M. (2007). Gebroken saamhorigheid in de voedselketen. De Raad voor het Landelijk Gebied.
  • ·         Termeer, C.J.A.M.; Breeman, G.E.; Lieshout, M. van (2010) Zorgvuldig vertrouwen! In: Over zorgvuldige veehouderij. Veel instrumenten, één concert / Eijsackers, H., Scholten, M., Wageningen : Wageningen UR, (Essaybundel 2010).
  • ·         Breeman, G. (2007) Beleving en werking, In: Werking van de Meststoffenwet 2006, Bilthoven: Milieu en Natuur Planbureau, (MNP-publicatie 500124001). (trans.: Perception of the nitrates regulation. Research commissioned by the Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency).
  • ·         Termeer, C., G. Breeman, F. Geerling-Eiff, N. Hamers-van den Berkmortel, van den; G. Schaick, F. Hubeek (2007) Omgaan met mest : betekenisgeving aan landbouw, milieu en mestregelgeving. Den Haag: LEI, (Rapport / LEI. Domein 3, Natuurlijke hulpbronnen en milieu 3.07.07). (trans.: Sense-making of the manure policies (Nitrates directive)).
  • ·         Termeer, C., G. Breeman, M. Lieshout, van (2011) Careful trusting in intensive farming. In: Livestock framing with care. Summaries of essays / Eijsackers, Prof. Dr. H., Scholten, Dr. M.C.T., Wageningen : Wageningen UR, Initiative of the Taskforce Livestock Farming with Care of Wageningen UR.
  • ·         Breeman, G., C. Termeer (2007), Gebroken saamhorigheid in de voedselketen (essay). Utrecht : De Raad voor het Landelijk Gebied (trans.: Broken solidarity in the food chain. Research commissioned by the Dutch Council of Rural Policies).

National agricultural and land management policies

  • ·        Breeman, G., C. Termeer et al. (2013) Decision making on mega stables: Understanding and preventing citizens’ distrust, NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 66, November 2013: 39-47.
  • ·         A. van Luin, K. Termeer, H. Mommaas, G. Breeman and J. Hinssen (2012) (BOOK), Waardenmakerij: cahier gebiedsontwikkeling. Gouda: Stichting NederLandBovenWater. (trans.:Adding value to rural development)
  • ·         Termeer, C., G. Breeman, M. Lieshout, van; W. Pot (2010) Why more knowledge could thwart democracy: configurations and fixations in the Dutch mega-stables debate. In: Knowledge Democracy. Consequences for Science, Politics, and Media / Veld, R.J. in 't,  Heidelberg : Springer.
  • ·         Breeman, G., H. Goverde and K. Termeer (eds) (2009) (BOOK) Governance in de groen-blauwe ruimte: Handelingelingsperspectieven voor landbouw, landschap en water. Assen: VanGorcum (Trans.: Governance in rural areas: Policy perspectives for agriculture, landscape and water).
  • ·         Breeman, G., C. Termeer (2009) Daadkracht en incrementeel leiderschap bij dierziektebestrijding: tien jaar na de varkenspest, hoofdstuk 8. In: Crisis, Studies over crisis en crisisbeheersing / Muller, E., Rosenthal, U., Helsloot, I., Dijkman, E. van, . - Deventer : Kluwer. (trans: Leadership during outbreaks of animal diseases: 10 years after the swine fever)
  • ·         Breeman, G. (2006) (BOOK) Cultivating Trust: How do public policies become trusted. PhD thesis, Leiden university.  (about Dutch agricultural policy)
  • ·         Breeman, G. (2003) Het proces van vertrouwen in de Nederlandse landbouw, Krisis, (1) 19-35. (trans.: Trusting agricultural policies)
  • ·         Breeman, G. Op den Kamp, K. & Zannoni (2000). Mestproblemen en de varkenspest: crisis en kansen in de landbouwsector. Boin, A., Kuipers, S. & Otten, M.(red.) Institutionele crises. Breuklijnen in beleidssectoren. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samson.

Global food governance

Environmental policies

Scientific articles and book chapters
  • ·         Breeman, G. and A. Timmermans (2018 forthcoming). Horizontal and Vertical Attention Dynamics: Environmental Problems on Executive Policy Agendas in EU Member States. In: Baumgartner, F., C. Breunig, & E. Grossmann, The Comparative Agenda’s Setting Project: state of the art. Chicago, Chicago University Press.
  • ·         Termeer, C., A. Dewulf & G. Breeman (2012) Governance of Wicked Climate Adaptation Problems. In: J. Knieling and W. L. Filho (eds). Climate Change Governance: The Challence for Politics and Public Administration, Entrerprises and Civil Society  (pp 27 – 41). Berlin: Springer.
  • ·         Breeman, G., A. Dewulf, W. Pot, and A. Timmermans (2009) Evolutie van het Klimaatvraagstuk: Agendadynamiek en Framing van het Klimaatprobleem in de MediaBestuurskunde 18(4): 27-37. (Trans.: Evolution of climate change policies: Agenda setting and framing of climate change in the media)
  • ·         Dewulf, A., C. Termeer, R. Werkman, G. Breeman, Poppe, K. (2009) Transition management for sustainability: towards a multiple theory approach. In: Transitions towards sustainable agriculture and food chains in peri-urban areas / Poppe, K., Termeer, C., Slingerland, M.,  Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Reports and advice (commissioned research)

NB: Conference presentations and conference papers are NOT listed

Relevant activities

Regular teaching
  • Principal lecturer of the course: European Union Institutions and Policies (20012-2013, BA and MA, appr. 20 students). A free elective course that I developed and introduced at Wageningen University. It was mainly focused on the CAP and food policies. The course included a fieldtrip to Brussels.  
  • Principal lecturer of the course:  Governance, Trust and Policy Arrangements in the European Union (2010-2015, BA and MA, appr. 35 students) The purpose of this course was to let students learn how a complex EU policy programme is being constructed and the implication of this programme on trust-relations.
  • Principal lecturer of the course: Introduction to Public Policy (2015-2017, BA level, appr. 250 students). During this course students learn to develop an integrated food policy.
  • Supervisor of numerous master theses about the CAP, food, rural development and agricultural policies.
  • Co-promotor and daily supervisor of PhD theses.
    • P. Zwaan (2012): Struggling with Europe: How initiators of horizontal forms of governance respond to EU formal rules.
    • J. Candel (2016): Putting food on the table: the European Union governance of the wicked problem of food security. (Winner of the Van Poelje Price of the best PhD of public administration and political sciences, 2016)
    • A. van Buitenen (ongoing): What Makes Global Agri Commodities Regimes Addressing Sustainability Successful

Guest Lectures
  • Guest lecturer (2 weeks): Organizational and Institutional Development for Rural Transformation (10-21 March 2014 and 10-16 May 2015, PhD level, 20 students) in Uganda.  Agricultural and Rural Innovation (ARI) is implemented by a consortium of East African Universities in partnership with European universities. Sponsored by the EU Edulink programme
  • Guest lecturer (1 day): Past and Future of the Common Agricultural Policy, during the Summerschool: Food Politics in the European Union (2016 & 2017, BA level, appr. 20 students). University College Roosevelt, Middelburg.

Media appearances
  • ·         Mare (09-03-2006), God tegen kunstmest (trans.: God against artificial fertilizer).
  • ·         Boerderij (17-03-2006), Boer vertrouwt de overheid niet meer (trans.: The farmer does not trust the government).
  • ·         NRC (20-05-2006), Vertrouwen genieten is een risico (trans. Trusting is risky).
  • ·         Agrarisch Dagblad (17-06-2006), Veerman heeft het moeilijker dan Mansholt (trans.: Minister Veerman has more difficulties than Mansholt ever had).
  • ·         Bestuurskundige berichten (01-03-2007) Voedsel met het keurmerk van vertrouwen - an interview. (trans.: Food with the quality label of trust).
  • ·         Agrarisch Dagblad (06-10-2009), „LOG zet gemeente voor dilemma“ . Lokale bestuurders hebben moeite nationale doelen goed te communiceren naar burgers – An interview. (trans.: Dilemmas for local governors: communicating agricultural development projects to citizens).
  • ·         VNG-Magazine (08-01-2010), Duivelse dilemma's voor lokale bestuurders. (trans.: Devilish dilemmas for local governors – About deciding on Mega-stables in rural areas).
  • ·         Resource (11-01- 2010), Broeikaseffect is uit, adaptatie is in.(trans.: The “glasshouse effect” is out, climate adaptation is hot – A discourse analyses of climate change policies).
  • ·         Resource (21-01-2010), Hoe lossen we dit op? Van Grubbenvorst tot Kopenhagen (trans.: How do we solve this: from Grubbenvorst to Copenhagen – Interview after the coming on-line of the Governance website in Wageningen university).
  • ·         Reformatorisch Dagblad  (19-03-2011) Vertrouwen moet hersteld worden na MKZ-crisis (trans.: Trust must be restored after the foot-and-mouth disease).
  • ·         Montesquieu Institute (14-06-2013) Nieuw Europees landbouwbeleid riskant en gebaseerd op vertrouwen- web-publication. (trans.: New European common agricultural policy: risky and based on trust).
  • ·         Boerderij (23-10-2013), Lokale media voeden negatieve imago varkenshouderij. Artikel naar aanleiding van ons rapport over Horst. (trans.: Local media enhances negative image of the intensive pig-breeding sector).
  • ·         Leiden University website, (15-11-2016) (interview and publication): Probing Complex Problems: Sustainable Solutions (wetenschapsdossier), URL:

  • ·         Ministry of Agriculture (management team and the minister), Cultiveren van vertrouwen, 12-09-2006, The Hague. (trans.: Cultivating trust. Presentation of the findings of my PhD)
  • ·         Agricultural Economic Institute (LEI), Cultivating Trust, 17-01-2007, The Hague (presentation of the findings of my PhD)
  • ·         International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Making Sense of the Dutch Manure Policies31-02-2007, Amsterdam
  • ·         Agricultural Economic Institute (LEI), Weg met al die regels, 20-12-2007, Wageningen. (trans.: Put an end to all those rules. About deregulation in the agricultural sector)
  • ·         Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP), Agenda setting in the Dutch Environmental Policies, 04-11-2008, De Bilt
  • ·         Montesquieu Institute (MI) Hoe ontstaan beleidsveranderingen? 04-09-2009, The Hague. (trans.: How do policies change?)
  • ·         City of Amsterdam, Samenwerken en publieke goederen in het rurale domein. (Trans.: Expert meeting: collaborating in the public and rural domains), 14-06-2011, Amsterdam
  • ·         Royal Dutch Development Enterprise (KNHM), De risico’s van burgerparticipatie in het landelijk gebied, 29-11-2011 (trans.: The risks of citizens participation in the rural areas).
  • ·         Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Multi-stakeholder platform for sustainable live-stock: building trust, (presentation for the steering committee of the project: Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock), 17-10-2013, Ottawa, Canada.
  • ·         Groupe de Bruges, Collaboration for public goods after the CAP reform (keynote on the conferenceTerritorial cooperation for the provision of public goods in the context of the CAP Reform”, sponsored by the French and Dutch Ministries of Agriculture), 20-12-2013, Villarceaux, France.
  • ·         Dutch Royal Academy of Science (KNAW), Governance and Social Capital in the Agricultural Sector, 28-02-2014, Amsterdam.
  • ·         Groupe de Bruges, Territorial collaboration, self-governance, social capital and policy making in the European agricultural sector, presentation at the 2nd conference on Territorial cooperation for the provision of public goods in the context of the CAP Reform, 24-04-2014, the Netherlands.
  • ·         City of Haarlem, Duurzaam landelijk gebied: Een uitdaging van samenwerken en vertrouwen, 10-06-2014, Haarlem. (trans.: Sustainable rural development: A challenge for cooperation and trust).
  • ·         Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), University of Copenhagen, University of Canberra, Enhancing food security through a multi-stakeholder process: the global agenda for sustainable livestock, 21-04-2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • ·         World Food Programme (WFP) Big data for food security: building trust (presentation for the Staff of the WFP). 23-11-2015, Rome, Italy.
  • ·         Foodlog, Trust in Food Policies and Sciences, 14-11- 2016, Wageningen.

  • ·         In 2012 I  set up and currently manage, within the European Consortium of Political Research, the Food Policy and Governance Network. Every year, I organize three to four conference panels dedicated to food and agriculture:

Research proposals
  • ·         WOT politics of attention (December 2006):  Responsieve overheid, Een onderzoek naar maatschappelijke dynamiek, politieke agendavorming en prioriteiten in het Nederlandse Natuur en Milieubeleid. Environmental assessment agency, together with university of Twente (trans.: Agenda setting in Dutch environmental policies). Research grant: 110,000 EUR
  • ·         Manure policies (January 2007), Sense making of manure policies in the Netherlands, Dutch Ministry of Agriculture. Research grant: 250,000 EUR.
  • ·         Monitoring and understanding transitions of political agendas and public issues in the agricultural policy domains (PhD position). Budget 200,000 EUR (program was cancelled).
  • ·         Horst (2009): Politieke besluitvorming over het Landbouwontwikkelingsgebied Witveldweg in de Gemeente Horst aan de Maas. (trans.: Local politicial decisionmaking about an agriultural investment programme in a small Dutch town). Research grant: 25,000 EUR.
  • ·         Greenport Aalsmeer (March 2010): Bouwen aan collectief vertrouwen voor duurzame bereikbaarheid, Wageningen : Transumo project Duurzame bereikbaarheid Greenport Aalsmeer. (trans.: Building trust to enhance the infrastructure of Greenport Aalsmeer),  Ministery of Economic Affairs. Research grant: 50,000 EUR.
  • ·         Rasputin (February 2013): Resilient Agro-Silvo-Pastoral System For Sustained Ecosystem Services and Rural Socio-economic, (working package: governance).  EU 7th framework project, consortium of 14 universities and research institutes. Budget package: 780,000 EUR (total project 7,000,000 EUR). Result: came in second.
  • ·         Wotro (July 2013): Governance of sustainable livestock: Bridging the gap between global dialogues and innovations in livestock systems on local levels in Kenya, Tanzania,  Uganda, and Vietnam. Dutch science association, together with FAO, ILRI, and Agrifirm. Budget: 715,000 EUR. Result: Came in third.

Other Activities

  • ·         My other academic profile concerns with Policy Agenda Setting.  I am co-director of the Dutch agenda setting team and participate in the international network of the Comparative Agenda’s project. This has resulted in:
    • o    a wide variety of publications:
    • o    data-sets:
    • o    development of an automated coding tool for large datasets. see: Breeman, G. and H. Then (2010), Software Tool: Supervised Learning ToolKit:  autocoding and supervised coding. Presented at the 3rd International Comparative Policy Agenda’s conference, Seattle, 17-18 July 2010.
  • ·         Since 2006 I have been co-author of an introductory handbook to Dutch Public Administration (De Bestuurlijke Kaart van Nederland). The book is used by 19 universities and sells 2,200 copies a year.
  • ·         Between 2007-2014 I lectured in the PhD introductory course for all Dutch public administration and political science students as part of the programme of the Dutch Institute of Government.
  • ·         Between 1999-2009 I lectured in the National Civil Service Trainee Programme in the Netherlands (25 trainees, for 2 years, 6 modules of 2 days).
  • ·         I was responsible for daily management of the finances of the Public Administration and Policy Group at Wageningen University.

Management (*)
  • Member of the board (2016- ), Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University
  • Chair alumni committee (2016-), Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University
  •  Member of the ethical committee (2017 - ), Leiden University.
  • Financial management of the Public Administration & Policy Group (2008-2015)
  • Official representative of Wageningen University to the European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR)
  • Member of the Education Committee of Communication Studies, Wageningen University (2013-2015)
  •  Member of the board (2004-2006), Department public administration, Leiden university.

(*)  Also mentioned in my other academic profile

[1] Does not include presentations during scientific conferences

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